Forums Design Critiques Land Development on Bare-ish Land

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  • #155
    Laura Castro

    Hi Everyone,

    We’re preparing to turn some bare land into a farm. We noticed that creosote bushes dominate the landscape. While researching on the creosote bush, we learned it covers approximately 70 percent of the Mojave Desert. It is also provides shelter for many of the desert animals including the desert tortoise. In my current design there are small edges on the property that are corridors for wildlife, but I feel like there is something missing. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    Mari Werner

    Hi Laura, Something I think might be worth looking into is whether and how the creosote plants and the other life that depends on them can relate to or adapt to the additions you plan to make. If there is data available on what conditions or alterations to the landscape they can tolerate or adapt to, that might provide guidance on how you could adapt your own plans to accommodate their needs to some degree–kind of develop a cooperative scheme with them.
    P.S. I entered this as a test reply just to see if I could post one, and now edited to be an actual reply. And I think it’s cool that you’re thinking this way and looking into this.

    • This reply was modified 11 months, 2 weeks ago by Mari Werner.
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