Hi All,
I’m designing a community garden to go on a currently grass-covered green at my apartment complex. It’s a long plot of land abut 35 ft wide with an overall slope down from east to west and slightly from north to south (the longer dimension). The land starts out relatively flat on the east side for 5 to 10 feet, then slopes down–in some places more steeply than others–and then levels off again for 4 to 8 feet on the west side. This makes a low point channel that extends most of the distance from north to south kind of like a natural stream or river bed only quite shallow. My plan is to create a swale/dry stream bed by lining that strip with small to medium sized rocks. I’ve never seen water flowing there (it’s covered with grass), but my thought is if there were any, the rocks would slow it down and make it soak in. Is this making sense? Am I missing anything? Do you see a better approach?